Vespere Oaks

Metaphysical Rebellion    

The aim of this paper is to trace Camus’ genealogy of the rebel in order to get a better understanding of the rebel. as well as to discuss the nature of metaphysical rebellion itself. Since the rebel is an individual who seeks a prime order, or first principle in regards to values, it is very significant to trace how this discovery is made. In a world dominated by ideas of revolt and the modern history of revolutions, the stories of revolutionary figures and along with zealots, often seeking to foist their true order on others, discussing the nature of the rebel and metaphysical rebellion is important. Metaphysical rebellion shows our modern existential position in the universe, as well as how the passionate devotion for the non-suffering of other beings as individual suffering beings is vital to understanding our prime order, or first principle as a sacred being. The essence of rebellion attempts to explain how they will be embodied within sacred existence inside and around all life around us. Should we follow the path of the rebel, like Camus, our journey of metaphysical rebellion may lead us to freedom, and even to the security of a realized or perfected order in a chaotic, unsympathetic, unfair universe.